NO SCHOOL Friday, Feb. 14 or Monday, Feb.17

Calumet Christian School

Middle School

Calumet Christian Middle School is committed to guiding students through a vital transition in their lives and preparing them to successfully navigate the high school years that follow. Through strong academics and an emphasis on spiritual, character, and relational growth, we envision our graduates playing an influential role in their schools, churches, and communities.

In grades six through eight, students are progressing from concrete toward more abstract thought. Whether it’s in the field of math or science, language or history, we foster in our students the capacity for critical thinking informed by a biblical worldview. Teachers employ a variety of teaching approaches: direct instruction, hands-on learning, drill, and Socratic discussion. Emphasis is placed on organization, research, developing extended concentration, and an appreciation for learning about all of God’s creation. Our rich and challenging curriculum stimulates students to develop their academic potential. Students typically perform above grade level, and the majority of our students graduate from 8th grade having earned high school credit in math, science, and Spanish.

Our middle school students are part of a broader community. True moral and social development involves learning to love and accept others and be responsible for one’s behavior. As students grow in their understanding of God’s love and forgiveness, they should be learning to live an increasingly unselfish life with those around them. As educators, we understand that middle school students are “a work in progress.” We have a vision for where God is leading them, and our intention is to help them grow spiritually, morally, and relationally.

Course Descriptions

6th Grade Bible

In 6th Grade Bible, students will gain an overview of the Old and New Testament by reading The Story, The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People. As students read, they will also discuss the significance of major events in God’s plan for His people as well as the significance for our lives now. Students will also memorize important verses and write reflectively on what they are reading.

6th Grade Language Arts

Sixth grade language arts focuses on reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar, as well as speaking and listening skills.

Students study literature to draw meaning from a text through the study of common literary devices and the elements of various literary genres, such as short stories, novels, poetry, and drama. During the year students read independent reading books of their choice. Classroom books may include titles such as Among the Hidden, Among the Imposters, Children’s Homer, Heads or Tails: Stories from the 6th Grade, Children’s Homer, Bridge to Terabithia, and selections from The Chronicles of Narnia. Reading is supported by comprehension discussions, the study of vocabulary from these texts, and common English sayings, idioms, and phrases.

Students continue to receive instruction in the writing process through units of study in narrative, information, and argument writing. Mastery writing is accomplished through studies of mentor texts and repeated smaller writing projects to explore and improve upon writing techniques.

Grammar is taught to enhance the clarity, control, and style of students’ writing. Emphasis is placed on the parts of speech to develop basic syntax awareness and the fluent use of the various kinds and types of sentences.

Specific listening skills are taught, emphasized, and practiced as a primary means of gaining information. Various speaking opportunities allow students to develop verbal facility with language and confidence before an audience.

6th Grade Math

This course is designed to reinforce and add depth to skills and concepts learned in previous years. We seek to build understanding of new concepts with a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression using Math in Focus: Course 1A. The goal of the course is to help students master the following concepts: Whole Numbers, Prime Numbers, & Prime Factorization, Number Lines & Negative Numbers, Fractions & Decimals, Ratio, Rates & Speed, Percent, Algebraic Expressions, Equations & Inequalities, and The Coordinate Plane.

6th Grade Science

In sixth grade science, students will learn about the nature of matter. Hands-on investigations of minerals, rocks and soils will give the students understanding of their structure and identities. In addition, the importance of geology in daily life will be presented. Energy types will be studied with an emphasis on thermal energy. Using microscopes, students will study cell parts, cells and their various functions. They will learn about the cellular nature of all life and the implications of this for taxonomy. All of the aspects of science studied will include an appreciation for the Creator.

6th Grade Social Studies

The sixth grade social studies curriculum focuses on the development of Western Civilization from Mesopotamia through the Enlightenment era. Students study cultural aspects, including art, literature, religion, customs, and scientific advancements during the time period. Students learn to read a text carefully for meaning and identification of key terms.

Advanced 6th Grade Math

Beginning in 6th grade, we offer advanced math students a more challenging curriculum designed to meet their academic needs and prepare them to take Algebra 1 as 8th graders. This course is designed to reinforce and add depth to skills and concepts learned in previous years. We seek to build understanding of new concepts with a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression using Math in Focus: Course 1. The goal of the course is to help students master the following concepts: Whole Numbers, Prime Numbers, & Prime Factorization, Number Lines & Negative Numbers, Fractions & Decimals, Ratio, Rates & Speed, Percent, Algebraic Expressions, Equations & Inequalities, The Coordinate Plane, Area of Polygons, Surface Area and Volume of Solids, Introduction to Statistics, and Measures of Central Tendency and Variability.

7th Grade Math

This course is designed to reinforce and add depth to skills and concepts learned in previous years. We seek to build understanding of new concepts with a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression using Math in Focus: Course 1B, and 2A. The following topics are covered: Rational Numbers, Algebraic Expressions, Algebraic Equations & Inequalities, Proportion & Percent of Change, Area of Polygons, Surface Area & Volume of Solids, Introduction to Statistics, Measures of Central Tendency & Variability

7th Grade Bible

Seventh grade Bible focuses on giving students a big picture understanding of the Bible. In addition to memorizing 50 points that takes us through the whole Bible, students will thoroughly learn the book of Acts, which bridges the Gospels to the rest of the New Testament. Students will also study poverty and wealth, and consider evidence for Christianity.

7th Grade Language Arts

Seventh grade language arts focuses on six major areas: reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and speaking/listening. Reading selections include novels, plays, essays, short stories and poetry. Students read a variety of books, such as The Outsiders, The Giver, The Pearl, the play The Diary of Anne Frank, and other books that students pick from assigned genres. Major writing pieces are produced each quarter that focus on the entire writing process from an outline to the final paper. These include: a Family biography, poetry project, research paper and responses to Literature. Shorter writing pieces are: book reports, essays on the novels, opinion pieces, informative paragraphs, narrative writing and arguments. Grammar concentrates on mastery of the parts of speech, sentence components, diagramming sentences, correct verb usage, and punctuation. Vocabulary and spelling exercises challenge students to understand and spell numerous words germane to their understanding of many written texts. Speaking and Listening activities include formal discussions, evaluating famous speeches, and oral presentations.

Advanced 7th Grade Math

This course is designed to reinforce and add depth to skills and concepts learned in previous years. We seek to build understanding of new concepts with a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression using Math in Focus: Accelerated Course 2. The following topics are covered: The Real Number System, Algebraic Expressions, Algebraic Equations & Inequalities, Linear Equations & Inequalities, Lines & Linear Equations, Functions, Exponents, Scientific Notation, Proportion and Percent of Change, Angle Properties & Straight Lines, Geometric Construction, Circumference, Area, Volume, & Surface Area, Geometric Transformations, Congruence & Similarity, Statistics & Probability, and Probability of Compound Events.

7th Grade Social Studies

The seventh grade social studies curriculum focuses on The Eastern Hemisphere geography. The regions studied are Southwest and Central Asia, Africa, South and East Asia, the Pacific, Europe, and Russia. Students study many geographical topics, such as culture, politics, economics, climate, topography, and natural resources. They learn to think critically about how these various aspects affect they way people live in different regions around the world.

7th Grade Science

Seventh grade Integrated Science will focus on how to distinguish the different parts of nature and matter as well as how those different parts interact. Students will learn how different types of matter are distinguished from one another and change without matter being created or destroyed. They will also investigate how the different parts of the living world interact and flow through the study of ecosystems, biomes, the water cycle, the lunar cycle, and the atmosphere.

7th and 8th Grade Life Skills

7th and 8th grade life skills focuses on health topics relevant to adolescents in light of God’s perspective. Helping students to think critically about these issues will facilitate making wise choices now and in the future. Topics addressed in 7th grade include conflict management, bullying, smoking and substance abuse, eating disorders, depression and suicide, and STDs. The 8th grade life skills unit focuses on dating and sexuality.

7th and 8th Grade Spanish

In Spanish 1, 7th and 8th grade students learn the fundamentals of the language through reading, writing, speaking, listening…and singing and dancing too! This high school credit course is split between the 7th and 8th grade years. Upon successful completion and teacher recommendation, 8th grade graduates enter high school with one foreign language credit, which enables them to take Spanish 2 in ninth grade. Over the course of two years, students learn the basics of Spanish, such as greetings, introductions, and asking about the weather. They also study vocabulary and complex grammar concepts, such as verb conjugation in the present, past, and near future tenses. Students have an array of opportunities to interact with the language individually and corporately through whole group instruction, partner activities, oral and dramatic presentations, technology-based projects and more.

STEM 1 (7th Grade)

Students taking STEM 1 will work their way through a two part class on engineering and technology. In the engineering portion of the class, students will learn how to use the engineering design process to problem-solve, think critically, invent, and create. Topics covered will include the disciplines of engineering, visualization and design, and building and understanding simple, compound, & complex machines. The technology part of the course covers foundational concepts and skills of computer science such as problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, communication and the syntax and commands of Python. It will also explore some of the issues raised by present and future societal impacts of computing.

STEM 2 (8th Grade)

STEM 2 will also be a two part class focused on engineering and technology. The technology part of the course builds on the foundational concepts and skills of computer science learned in STEM 1 and offers further development of understanding logic and linear reasoning as well as further use of Python. It will also explore some of the issues raised by present and future societal impacts of computing. In the engineering portion of the class, students will build on the engineering and coding skills and concepts learned in STEM 1 to build, program, and run tests with robots. In order to take STEM 2, students must successfully complete STEM 1.

8th Grade Bible

Eighth grade Bible focuses on preparing students for spiritual success in high school. Students are equipped to interpret the Bible, understand spiritual warfare, and live under grace. Students are also trained to share their faith by learning principles of evangelism, other worldviews, and good evidence for the Christian worldview.

8th Grade Algebra

Eighth grade students taking Algebra 1 have the opportunity to receive high school credit, thus enabling them to move into more advanced classes when they enter high school. Our Algebra 1 course covers the following topics: functions; linear and quadratic equations; number and set concepts; distance formula word problems; polynomials; exponents; and radical and rational expressions.

8th Grade Math

This course is designed to reinforce and add depth to skills and concepts learned in previous years. We seek to build understanding of new concepts with a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression using Math in Focus: Course 3. The following topics are covered: The Real Number System, Linear Equations & Inequalities, Lines & Linear Equations, Functions, Exponents, Scientific Notation, Angle Properties & Straight Lines, Circumference, Area, Volume, & Surface Area, Geometric Transformations, Congruence & Similarity, Statistics & Probability, and Probability of Compound Events.

8th Grade Language Arts

The goal of eighth grade language arts is to strengthen the student’s knowledge and use of the English language in six basic areas: reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and verbal skills. Students will be exposed to a variety of literature, with particular emphasis on understanding such novels as Lord of the Flies, Bull Run, and To Kill a Mockingbird. Writing focuses on the five-paragraph essay and analysis of literary works. Students study the grammatical structure of language and the mechanics of sound writing. Vocabulary revolves around Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop and words drawn from the student’s reading. Spelling skills continue to be developed through weekly word lists based on specific themes. Student participation in class discussion is strongly encouraged and occasional oral presentations are required.

8th Grade Social Studies

The eighth grade social studies curriculum focuses on American history from the early European exploration through Reconstruction. Students learn about the historical events that led to the development of America, the different components of the American government, and America’s struggle to grow from a young country, through a bitter Civil War, to an emerging World power. Current Events are also discussed as time permits.

8th Grade Integrated Science

Eighth grade integrated science zooms out to take a look at the long-term changes that occur over the course of time as well as how to carefully consider information and critically assess a topic. They will look at changes in the universe from the beginning of time and space, to the development of our planet. They will also look into the ongoing changes inside the Earth and on the Earth’s surface through seismic and geologic activity, as well as the areas of physics that govern and bring about those changes: Newton’s Laws of Motion, gravity, and friction. Finally, they will investigate the changes to life on Earth through cell reproduction, natural selection, and evolution.

8th Grade Advanced Physical Science

Eighth grade advanced physical science follows the course of study commonly seen in 9th grade physical science classes with the school year divided into two halves. One half of the year will focus on chemistry, and the other half will focus on physics. Chemistry includes studying the development of atomic theory and the periodic table of elements, the structure of molecules and compounds and their chemical reactions with each other. Physics includes studying motion, forces & momentum, work, power, simple machines, energy, waves, and electricity & magnetism.

Middle School Art

Students at Calumet Christian School have a rich experience in visual art, preparing them for high school. They work with a wide variety of media and complete a clay project each year. All middle school students have art for two 50 minute classes weekly.

6th grade focuses on the following concepts: variety of line/active vs static; visual and tactile texture; foreground, middle ground, and background; color theory; realistic vs. abstract; and study of geometric and organic shapes.

7th grade focuses on the following concepts: perception through drawing; patterning; geometry in art; design; positive and negative space; and depth and form.

8th grade focuses on the following concepts: creating a graphic concept, design, working with fonts, creating pictorial representations, printmaking, repetition, color theory, designs with lines.

Students who successfully complete 7th and 8th grade receive a high school credit for art.

Middle School Music

Students at Calumet Christian School are given two options for music as middle schoolers. Advanced Band meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Students learn and rehearse various concert pieces and perform a Christmas Concert and a Spring Concert. Advanced Band students are well-prepared to enter a high school band. The Calumet Chorale is a singing group that meets twice a week. In addition to preparing for the Christmas and Spring Concerts, the chorale travels to the Laurels in Worthington twice a year to present concerts to the residents. Students in chorale learn to read music and are prepared to enter a high school choir. Students with a strong interest in music and good academic performance may choose to participate in both band and chorale.

Middle School Physical Education

Middle school physical education provides students with a vision of the importance of physical activity in their lives. Students are taught the skills needed to lead a healthy lifestyle; they have bi-weekly opportunities to cultivate this vision and develop skills in a fun, supportive atmosphere. A multi-activity approach provides students with the opportunity to participate, learn skills and strategies, and gain knowledge of individual and team sports. Some common physical education units include Flag Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Pickle Ball, and Track.