NO SCHOOL Friday, Feb. 14 or Monday, Feb.17

Calumet Christian School

Why Choose Calumet

Calumet Christian School (CCS) emphasizes knowledge, character, and community. The mission of our pre-kindergarten through eighth grade program is to prepare students for high school and beyond by developing in them a solid academic, spiritual, and relational foundation. We envision the graduates of our school playing an influential role in their schools, churches, and communities.


  • Average years of teaching experience: 12

  • Average student-teacher ratio: 23 to 1

  • All faculty members are growing Christians involved in lay ministry and/or leadership in the church.

Equipping Spiritually and Relationally

  • CCS emphasizes the development of godly character in a grace-based, relational environment.

  • Teachers partner with parents in the shared goal of helping students develop internally controlled behavior based on biblical truth and an understanding of God’s love and forgiveness.

  • CCS emphasizes the importance of living, learning, and growing in a community. Students learn how to accept one another based on God’s grace, which emphasizes responsibility and selflessness in relationships.

  • Teachers endeavor to model sacrificial love: they pray with students, encourage students, and impart loving discipline.

  • When parents and schools work together in a community with a shared vision, children are far more likely to prosper academically, spiritually, and relationally.

Equipping Intellectually

  • Elementary schools teach the Riggs (phonics) reading curriculum

  • Elementary schools incorporate the Core Knowledge curriculum in literature, science, and social studies.

  • Most graduating 8th graders earn high school credit in algebra, science, and Spanish.

  • The average CCS student ranks at or above the 77th percentile nationally in math, reading, and language on standardized testing.*

Affordable Tuition

  • CCS believes in providing high quality education that is affordable for a wide range of families. Compare our tuition with other private schools in the area.

*CCS students take the MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) test 2 times a year to monitor academic progress.